Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chandra (Soma) Maha Mantra for getting Good Partner (Husband/wife)

Chandra (Soma) Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Soma mantrasya Bhrigu Rsih, Pankti
chandah, Soma devata,
mamAbhIstasiddhaye, sarvopadrava shamanarthe jape viniyogah


Svaum Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
So Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Maa Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Ya Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Namah Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat

Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha

I always adore Soma, the ocean of Nectar. He is of the whiteness of the camphor and pure crystal. His face is the circle of the full moon and the blue tresses, which surround it enhances its beauty. Rope of pearls which adorn his body uproot darkness in his two hands he holds a water lily and vara gesture. The stain on his surface is due to deer he has on his lap.
Svaum Somaaya Namah
6 lakhs (600000) + 10000
Highly effective mantra to get very good husband or wife. Disease free and long life, to become rich.
Eradicates black magic rites and disturbances and even poisonous matter 
