Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra for removing all problems in life

I'm now presenting you all, one of the best sadhana's that can overcome any problems in life.

This sadhana(practice) helps in removing negativity and calamities and also promotes general happiness.

Lord Narasimha swamy is one of the fiercest gods that there is and he is best when it comes to protecting his devotees. Hence this sadhana is very useful as a protective shield all that is problematic in life.

So chant the below mantra a minimum of 1000 times a day and you can see the effects in 3 months. It is important that you do not break the process as the effectiveness reduces with breaks in the sadhana.

Preferable have vegetarian food otherwise chant the below mantra in the morning after bath and before having food. The reason to avoid meat is simple as meat tends to dull the body. But for mantra sadhana mind and body needs to be active with sattvic (good) thoughts.

The process is as follows (If you are uncomfortable with the process given below just visualize the Dhyana first and start chanting the mantra given below)

There are 2 mantras given below use anyone. By experience the second one in the brackets has worked for me.

 Lakshmi Narasimha Maha Mantra Sadhana

Asya Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Maha Mantrasya
Brahman Rishi, Pankthi  Chanda , Narasimha Devata
Mama Abista siddyarte jape viniyogah

(Here you are stating the creator for this mantra with other details and why this japa is taken up)

Aam Angustaabhyaam Namah                                                Hridayaaya Namah
Hrim Tarjanibhyaam Namah                                                    Shriase Svaha
Kshraum Madhyamaabhyaam Namah                                    ShikhayeVashat
Krom Anamikaabhyaam Namah                                             Kavachaya Hoom
Hum Kanishthikabhyaam Namah                                           Netratrayaya Voshat
Phat Karatal-karprashtaabhyaam Namah                                Astraayaya Phat
Bhur Bhuvasuvarom Iti Dikbandhaha

I invoke lord Nrsimha who has very strong and fiery teeth, His tongue is taking round due to to annoy, He has opened his face, He has 3 eyes i.e. Soma, Surya and Fire. From leg to navel he is red and upwards he is white. He has opened the body of the of Raksasa He has wheel, conch, Pasha Ankusha, Kulisha and Gada weapons. He is decorated by various gems

Om Aam Hrim Kshraum Krom Hum Phat (other source has it as “Om Hrim Kshraum Krom Hum Phat”)

OM aaM hrIM kShrauM kroM hUM phaT

ಓಂ ಆಂ ಹ್ರೀಂ ಕ್ಷ್ರೌಂ ಕ್ರೊಂ ಹೂಂ ಫಟ್

ओं आं ह्रीं क्ष्रौं क्रॊं हूं फट्

600,000 Japas, and 6000 Ahutis to fire sacrifice and just chat extra 6000 mantra.
Most potent mantra when a person is facing calamities and fierce problem. This gives everything to the sadhak. It even cure Graha pida (bed planetary influences) and wards off Black magic effective. Gaining huge wealth, longevity etc. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Nameste Jayanthji,
    My name is Lalitha.I have been married for 10 years now.My married life is happier one leaving apart few years of initial problems with Mother-in-law.But now we live abroad and we have a happy life here with np problems atall.Over all,my married life is really good,so I wanted to thank god for it and I had asked in a temple how to do it,they said I do Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra Havanam. So we have scheduled that for July 9th in a temple.My question is so I need to chant this mantra before the havanam to get better...Please reply at

    i want to know 6000 Ahutis or 6000 japa more is enough

  4. sir how to do ahutis at home ,is there any procedure to do ahutis

  5. sir anybody can do this mantra or guru vupadesa is required if required can you suggest any vupadesa guru to me i am very much intrested to take this mantra

    1. Any mantra needs initiation. But the important point is that, if you are attracted to the God, then it means that you have the Grace of that God. You can self initiate yourself and proceed with the chanting. Always remember that your belief in the deity and unconditional faith and intense sadhana is the key for your progress

  6. How to do ahuti in the home is there any procedure

  7. How to do ahuti in the home is there any procedure

  8. Dear sir can you send me the Dhyan sloka in Sanskrit version

  9. Please can you add the Sanskrit version of the Dhyan sloka

  10. Nice information.And here something i like to share about Lakshmi Narasimha Homam. Lakshmi narashima homam is helping you keep away from enemies and blessing you with peace and happiness.This homam is also helps you to overcome from debts and financial difficulties.lakshmi narasimha puja ensures you with wealth in abundance. lakshmi narasimha swamy homam

  11. sir i need your mobile number
    thank u

  12. Guruji I need ur permission for chanting the mantra

  13. You have given permission for all for chanting, Guruji

