Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chinnamasta Sadhana for Spiritual Progress and Defeating Enemies

Please note the below sadhana is very powerful and there are chances of facing some minor problems once this sadhana is started

The person who practice this should not get scared and must have unconditional devotion

Chinnamasta Maha mantra


Aum asya shri Chinnamasta mantrasya Bhairava Rsih, SamrAt
chandah, ChinnamastA-bhuvaneshvarI devatA, (hUm hUm bIjam, svAhA
shaktih) mamAbhIstasiddhaye jape viniyogah


BhairavAya rsaye namah -- shirasi;
SamrAt chandase namah Mukhe;
ChinnamastA devatAyai namah -- hrdi;
hUm hUm bIjaya namah -- guhye;
SvAhA shaktaye namah pAdayoh.
Bhur bhuva suvarom iti dik bandhaha


Aum Am KhadgAya hrIm hrIm phat hrdayAya svAha-Kanisthayoh.
Aum Im  sukhadgAya hrIm hrIm phat Shirase svAhA-AnAmikayoh.
Aum Um  VajrAya hrIm hrIm phat ShikAyai svAhA -- Madhyamayoh.
Aum aim  PAshAya hrIm hrIm phat KavacAya svAhA -- Tarjanyoh.
Aum aum  AmkushAya hrIm hrIm phat Netra-trayAya svAhA Angusthayoh.
Aum ah  Vasuraksa hrIm hrIm phat astrAya phat -- Karatalakara-prsthayoh.


I meditate upon the Goddess ChinnamastA who is seated in the center of the sun's disc and holds in her left hand her own severed head with gaping mouth, her hairs are disshevelled and
she is drinking the stream of blood gushing out from her own neck. She is seated on Rati and KAmadeva, who are engrossed in sexual dalliance, and she is rejoicing with her friends named DAkinI and VarninI.

Mula Mantra

Aum shrIm hrIm hrIm vajravairocanIye hrIm hrIm phat  svAhA.

Note: This mantra is locked by Lord Siva, so to unlock it chant “Aum HrIm Aum” before and after the recitation of the the mula mantra 108 times.
For Siddhi chant this mantra for 4 Lakhs or 400 thousand times plus 40 thousand times in the form of fire sacrifice using Bilva or Palasa flower and fruit.
If fire sacrifice is not possible just chant additional 40 thousand times

Useful in defeating enemies, controlling people, in terms of spiritual progress helps in mastery of attachment over pleasures.

Please take caution in reciting this mantra as powerful mantras are not for weak minded people


  1. after completeing of sadhana what happens? if u complete sadhana under guru? plese do reply me!

    1. It depends from person to person and intensity of the sadhana

  2. May the Lord of Intelligence bless this undertaking:
    Chinnamasta's perfection of understanding the force of nature is this: "Death feeds on life, life feeds on death, and sexual reproduction feeds the process." Understanding this fact of nature can revel to the aspirant that the Absolute Mass of Bliss alone pervades the universe, the Undying One is perpetually self-sacrificing, taking births and deaths in the cosmic evolution. The highest knowledge to be assimilated is to realize one's self as non-different from the undivided Mass of Bliss.
    May all the worlds be happy!
    Peace, peace, peace.

  3. Guruji Can you please tell me which mala/rosary(wheather Rudraksh mala or others) I should use to chant this mantra and from which day would it be better to start,Saturday or any other day or night time.

