Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ganga Mantra for Absolving Sin's

The below that is given here is very useful in absolving sins's of a person and also to lead a happy life, whatever we  undergo in this life is due to the influence of our past Karma and when we suffer from some problems it is due to the bad karma that we had performed in the past. So one of the best way to remove sin's from the body is either by performing Sri Cakra puja, chanting Gayatri mantra or the below said mantra. There are also others but in terms of effectiveness these are the best.

This mantra can be chanted on regular basis, preferably 1000 a day up-to 100000 and then minimum of 108 after that. But chanting 1000 or more a day has higher effect.

Ganga Devi Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Ganga mantrasya Vyasa Rsih, Krti
chandah, Ganga devatA,
mamAbhIstasiddhaye, sarvopadrava shamanarthe jape viniyogah


Om Hili Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
Hili Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Mili Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Mili Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Gange Devi Kanishthikabhyaam Namah - Netratrayaya Voshat
Namah Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat
Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha


She is extremely beautiful with many blossoming spotless white lotuses;
She is identified with Krsna, Isa and Vindaya (Associated with them),
She holds Vara and Lotus in the right hands and water pot and Abhaya in the left,
She is clad with white garments; She is delighted in her face, She has the moon as crest jewel;
She is served by all rivers and Nadas like Sona, she is the destroyer of sins and she has crocodile as her vehicle 

Mula Mantra:

OM hilI hilI milI milI gaMgE dEvi namaH

ಓಂ ಹಿಲೀ ಹಿಲೀ ಮಿಲೀ ಮಿಲೀ ಗಂಗೇ ದೇವಿ ನಮಃ

ओं हिली हिली मिली मिली गंगे देवि नम:


Chant 100,000 times for attaining perfection chant additional 10000+1000+100 times for homa and tarpanas etc.

Once after attaining perfection chant 10,000 at the bank of river Ganga to absolve all sins or just keep chanting. 

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