Thursday, January 16, 2020

Initiation and Guru

Initiation is important because when a Guru initiates into mantra, what he effectively does is that he transmits some amount of his energy from his body to another. The receiving person’s conscious mind is cleansed from the impurities. Thereby removes blocks in the mind.
This is important because an uninitiated person will not get this benefit and he must put in more effort to overcome the hurdles by himself by doing more sadhana. He will spend more time to reach the stage what the initiated one has reached.

It is more like giving initial boost to your practice, which coupled by sincere practice makes sadhana fruitful.

Other than this initiation creates a bond between a Guru and student. Where he can regularly get his doubts clarified and move faster as he would get guidance on how to proceed with the sadhana.

The uninitiated person will not get this benefit. Sometimes without proper guidance the person will stop the sadhana even though he is progressing. For example when the meditation becomes intense sometimes we start hearing sound in the ear, this is a good indication and goes away after sometime. But a person does not know this would feel that there is something wrong and its because of meditation this problem arose, thereby stops the practice.

We one is blessed with a realized Guru, one can be assured that he life is protected, as his Guru will advice and help him through his life. But getting such Guru Is rare.

What is emphasized here is that Guru and initiation is important, but if one can't find one, he should not be discouraged and should surrender to God and start the sadhana. Eventually when a practitioner is ready he will get a Guru or will be guided by the Self within.

Only when we take a step forward in spiritual life things will happen, waiting for a Guru without and effort will not help. Always remember our intense longing and personal qualities decide what will happen to us. So have faith in God and proceed.
