Saturday, July 5, 2014

Importance of Praying to Family Deity

This is the on of the three articles that I will write about importance of praying to Family deity, Grama devata (deity of the area that you reside at) and Ancestors (Pitru's)

This article deals about family deity.

It is always important that we pray to our family deity as this is the deity that will look after us at the times of trouble.

Family deities are really important as they usually guard us from unforeseeable problems and also protects us from severe karmic debts.

If a person is born under the family where the deity is Shiva, it means that the natural protector of that family is Lord Shiva and praying to Lord Shiva will help them to get over the problems of day today life

It is important to understand that Family deity are the first source for protection for us, it protects us from many problems be it physical or psychics. It safe guards people from negative energies.

It is easy to please our family deity than any other deities. As we are born in that clan/family of the deity.

Usually families have 2 family deities one male and other female. It is important we pray to both the deities, but if you want to take up any sadhana/anustana etc, it is much quicker to female deity of the family.

Annual fire sacrifices (homam) to our family deity will help the family in ensuring the grace and protection of the deity.

It is always good to take the name of our family deity before we do any activity, this if done with belief and trust on the deity will always ensure grace of the Deity

Any spiritual progress will depend on the grace of the family deity, if the person does not have the grace of the deity he cannot progress spiritually.

That's the reason why our family members insist us to pray to our family deity.

It is interesting to note that when Black magic is performed on a person firstly the tantrics ties the family deity and only then they go ahead with abhichara (black magic)

But if proper prayers are offered to the family deity from the beginning, the deity will protect us even from these issues or will guide us to overcome the problems

Chanting of family deities name is the best practice that one can adopt as this will ensure grace of the God and assures both material and spiritual growth.

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