Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Positive Thinking for Overcoming Grief

What is positive thinking?

This question has many answers and we can discuss about the same days together.

Simple way of looking at positive thinking is "Identifying opportunity at the time of Despair, which other people fail to see"

Why this is required?

To answer the above question I can give you an example. Suppose one suffers from a Chronic life threatening illness say Cancer, the person now has two options to lead his life. First one being he can curse about his life as to why it turned like this? Why should he suffer when others are happy and become cynical about life.

What good can we find in this approach towards? None!

Neither the person is happy nor the people around him are happy. Also this type of  outlook always invites more problems in life as negative thinking invites negative experiences.

I'm not saying that it is wrong to grieve. But we should accept what is happening to us, only then we can move forward in this life both on physical and spiritual plane.

Our life is so well designed that we have very little control over major events in life (lie marriage, birth, death etc) as law of Karma decides upon these factors and we have taken this birth just to settle the Karmic account, once Karmic account is settled we realize God and liberation can take place.

But the negative approach towards life always makes us to accrue more undesirable actions which leads to accruing more Karma. This will lead to Rebirth and more suffering.

On the other hand if we look at this in a positive way.We will realize that death is part of life and its natural and we cannot control death as Karma is responsible for deciding these things. So if one realizes birth or death is not in our hands, our mind is released from the agony of this impending event.

Once we realize this we are no long bothered and in fact we can think how best we can lead our remaining life. So that the person and people around him/her are happy.

We look at life in a new dimension and see how we can contribute positively.

The above points are my understanding of positive thinking and what I have heard from learned people. This may not convince everyone, but wanted to share my thoughts as this may be useful.

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