Thursday, September 3, 2015

Money and it's maya

In the quest for spiritual up-liftment we constantly struggle to control our desires and try to make our mind calm and neutral.

This is not a easy task as more we try to detach from things that hinder our cleansing of mind. It is not that we should avoid it but we should not be attached to it. Leading a good life is not an hindrance to spiritual life but getting attached to these material objects is a major drawback.

Once we get attached it leads to creation of memory imprints in our mind which in-turn creates happiness and sorrow. Finally leading to accumulation of more karma.

What is the sole purpose of life then?

The only purpose of life is to clean our mind of impurities and make it blank so that our actions when we perform with neutral mind there is no future karma that is accrued. Hence we extinguish the present life karma and completely stop transmigration.

In simple works, avoid being born again and again.

So attachment to material pleasures creates roadblocks to this pursuit. Why should we cleanse our mind and escape from clutches of rebirths?

So people who are enjoying their life currently (because of previous good karma's) may think that it is ludicrous to given up their material enjoyment (because of attachment to it). But life is not always good or bad, because of our actions, future is decided based on our present actions. So this is a never ending problem in life where we have to undergo the hardship of happiness and sorrow over and over again.

One fine day we will be tired of this mechanical life (happiness and sorrow) and come to a conclusion that you want something more than happiness or sorrow as managing this is a idiotic task in day to day life.

Money is the major deterrent for this pursuit, hence we should not get attached to money. Spend, enjoy life but when going gets tough do not regret that I need money to be happy. Money is not responsible to us happy, but our mind is.

Money is important to the point you are secured, beyond that it is just a major hindrance. What I'm trying to say is that we should be indifferent/some say happy if we have money or not.  

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