Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Now the point that we have to understand is the concept of omnipresence of God/Brahman. It is very interesting Vedanta to note that God is Omnipresent, he is present in good or bad, gross or subtle etc. He is the subtlest of the subtle.

Many Upanishads's describe Brahman as biggest of the big and smallest of the small. So now how do we understand this then.

Let us understand it in this way, Brahman/Self is something which is there in your thought, in your dream or in whatever you see and finally it is within you. Self is this article that is written and the process of understanding is also the self.

So one thing that is very evident here is that Self is everywhere, hence we can negate the relative existence, that is the material world, as it arises out of the Self and merges back into it, It's like the waves of the ocean when there is a wave - material existence happen and when it falls back, it merges with the ocean, so material world merges back to the Self.

Further what we need to understand is that Self is the foundation of all, meaning Self is supported by Self and there is nothing beyond it, it the subtlest of the subtle, it is independent and everything else dependent on it. The only existence that we can validate is the Self and nothing else.

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