Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Surrender to the Divine and Destruction of Ego

The major hindrance in one's spiritual progression is the thought of "I", i.e. the ego plays a major role in making a person getting stuck in the cycle of happiness and sadness (dyads) leading to transmigration (cycle or re births) .

Whenever a person does something and says that it is because of him that this activity was completed or takes credit of the same, the ego raises its ugly head and inflates his arrogance, leading to disaster.

But when the same person en quire's as to who is doing the activity, or for whom is this thought being raised for, then ultimately the logical deduction will go to "I" which is the ego, and when you question who is this "I", there will be no answer, and at that time our intellect realizes that there is something which is supporting this "I" (ego) and it is this which is the cause of everything. This which supports the ego is the true Self (true "I") which is of the form of awareness.

It is this which people call it as GOD, Brahman, Shiva or Self etc. Which is nothing but pure awareness (consciousness) 

How do we justify that ego/mind ("I") is not the doer/cause but the awareness is? Simple during deep sleep state the ego does not exist and only after coming out of deep sleep, the ego realizes that it was not there in the deep sleep. 

So here there was an existence which was there even when the ego ("I") was missing (not there) in deep sleep. What is this existence? It is nothing but pure awareness (consciousness) which exists during wakeful, dream and deep sleep state independent of mind and ego (The point is he existed even though mind and ego was temporarily non existent during sleep, there by ego is the true "I")  . Hence we can also understand that this awareness is the source/cause for the mind and ego and not the other way around.

So once a person understands that all actions are not because of him (false ego) and it is because of the Self within. Then the process of surrender will start and destruction of ego commences.

So, the simple trick is to live a life where you repeatedly bear this in mind that all the thoughts and actions performed by you is not because of you (ego) but it is because of the Self within

Gradually when his false identification of himself from ego "I" to the Self within is established, there is complete surrender which leads to realization that you are nothing but the Self.

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