Monday, August 6, 2018



We always talk about balance in life, what does this really mean when a person wants to lead a meaningful and fruitful life?

Balance is more to do with mind not getting afflicted with desires and addictions. In short balance can be simply explained as a state of being where a person interacts with everything and yet he is not attached to it but will enjoy the material world to the fullest.

Here the person will welcome all aspects of life as same and does not exhibit extreme emotions under any situation. Though he is subjected to pleasures and pains of life he will always experience both with a stable mind which allows him to look at the problem as an detached person rather than investing emotions into the issue.

Balanced person will view the pleasures and pains as no different to each other as after pleasure there is pain and after pain there is pleasure, such being the state of life a balanced person understands this fundamental fact and lives a life which is beyond the both, he will always look at both state of living as temporary and ever changing, which in due course of time he will discard both of them as these feelings are nothing but a problem created by the human mind and they are not real, as we can be happy for no reason if we control our mind thoroughly. To justify this let us take an analogy some people find happiness in music whereas the few think it as nothing but noise. A source of pleasure for one is a source of pain for the other. Hence here both pleasure and pain is both mental phenomenon and if mind is ignored/subdued/controlled then for such person everything is one as he has no reason to feel happy/unhappy for anything from external sources and yet he is very contented internally which leads to an inexplicable happiness beyond words.

So balance is nothing but the natural state of any being, before the mind was corrupted by various impurities of desire, ego etc.

What we have to try and achieve is this balance in life where we enjoy life to the fullest and yet we are not attached to anything.

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