Friday, August 19, 2022
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Passion vs Being Practical
We often here told to follow our passion to be successful and now we have people propagating this advice everywhere.
Let us try to understand some of major problems with this advice
How many people know what they are passionate
about? Almost all of us are not aware of what we are interested in or have so
many things that we like that, we do not have a clue about what we are passionate
about reality.
Our mind is so fickle that we keep changing our
interests every-day. If we do something efficiently on a particular day, the happiness
derived from this makes us to think that this work that will define our future
and think this is the solution for my success, without realizing that being
good at something and repeating the same work everyday with passion is two
different things altogether
We may be good at something but may not be our
passion, as you may not like to do it at all
Suppose we can find out what we are passionate about
at some point of time. Will this fetch financial security for us? We often find
people who are passionate about something in life, but they are unable to make
it as a career out of it. Most of the time either we face financial and material
distress because we are unable to give up our interests or become bitter that we
had to give up our passion as it could not be sustained
Lucky are those people who have found their
passion and are good at it and can make a career out of it. The trifecta combination
of the above factors leads to more fulfilled life, which we read about books.
But this does not happen to all, in-fact this happens rarely to people, and these
are the people whom we see as most successful and well-rounded people in-terms
of career and life
So how do we navigate this problem? Below points may help
Instead of searching for passion through out our
life and wasting precious time, try to do the work with full focus and honestly
that is put to our plate. When we have no idea on what we should do.
We should not hate the work that we are doing,
but rather should perform the same job efficiently and derive happiness from
the same (also love the work that we do). This is especially important to people
who have no idea what they are passionate/goal in life about.
This way of looking at life will not make us to
question our life on daily basis. We do not feel miserable every-day, as we are
stuck with a problem of hating what we are doing now vs having no clue of what
else can be done otherwise
Secondly by having this mindset, we will be
happy with what we are doing currently, and also this attitude will help us
eventually in finding the right path for us, as mental clarity will ascend when
one is happy with what life has offered and it is at this stage, we are open to
new possibilities in life as we are open to new things that comes to our way (When
happy with what we have and love whatever work is given to us, we are open to
the idea of trying new things yet maintain stability).
For people who know what they are interested/passionate
about but are unable make career out of it or have no idea on how to monetize
this passion. It is better to have a stable career first and develop their passion
parallelly. As this would avoid financial hardship or leading to unfortunate stage
of giving up their passion entirely. (If the passion is more of social in
nature like helping people etc, it is more important that we have a stable
source of income, as we cannot help others with our stomach being empty)
If one is financially secure and knows his
passion, they have the means to pursue their interests without the worry
financial implications for basic needs
Finally, if we have the trifecta quality of
knowing what we like and are good at the same work and can make a career/business
out of the same. Then we should follow our passion without any doubt
In summary, moderation between passion and being practical plays
an important role in having a fulfilling life
Monday, June 13, 2022
Actions and Gratitude – A Spiritual perspective
Actions and Gratitude – A Spiritual perspective
This word is often used everywhere, that we should have gratitude
towards our parents, friends, our partner, colleagues and others who have played
some role in our life which has led to some positivity. But doing this in-reality
is altogether a different question that needs lots of introspection.
We have become a creature of greed and selfishness who think
of our own comfort disregarding the harm it may cause to others and there by
have created a vicious cycle of self-centered actions across everywhere.
Let us understand the implication of such actions from spiritual
Willful action that is performed by us with an ego that I’m
doing these actions, or the result is because of me. Creates an impression in
the sub conscious mind, if repeated regularly these impressions will form into Karma
(an impression which will manifest itself in the future and the person should
undergo the effect of the same without escape).
Hence such actions eventually will come out of the
subconscious mind to conscious mind at the right time to make sure the person
experiences the effects his actions.
Now when a person does the same action without the sense of
doer ship or submitting all actions to the to something bigger than himself or
just do it with a no ego attached. Then impressions will not get created in the
mind. To do this is very difficult and needs lots of practice
So a simpler solution to this is to have a sense of gratitude
towards everything in life, if anyone does anything good to you, be thankful,
if you had food today be thankful etc, this thankful feeling should be real and
not faked, if it faked this gets recorded as an impression again in our mind,
as everything that is repeated will get recorded as an impression in our subconscious
mind and thereby eventually we need to bear the consequences of the same.
Right action and Gratitude help in purifying the mind of
such bad habits is the simple gist of this article
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Meditation on Sahasrara (Top of the Head)
Youtube video for this technique
Meditation on Sahasrara
(Top of the Head)
Let us understand how we can now do mediation of Sahasrara which
is located at the top of the head. There are various ways one can bring their
awareness to this point and finally meditate at this point. Below is the method
which I find it easy and gives quick results by calming the mind
The method is as below
Sit is a comfortable position with your back and head straight,
close your eyes and inhale deeply, while inhaling your abdomen should expand. After
inhalation hold your breath for few seconds and then exhale, while exhaling
your abdomen should contract. When following this process have your awareness
on the breath and your exhalation should be twice the time of inhalation. Do it
as per your capacity and do not overexert.
After this bring your awareness to the mid of the eyebrows (where
two eyebrows meet) and stay there, focus that this point for 2 minutes and then
slowly bring your awareness inside the head from the mid of the eyebrow to the
mid of the head (pineal gland).
Best way to understand this is as follows, when we hit a nail
on the board, the nail goes into the board slowly until it ends. Similarly move
your awareness from mid of the eyebrow to the middle of the head (pineal gland
to be exact) in this manner, once your awareness reaches the mid of the head
stay there for few minutes (say 4 to 5 mins).
Once you can stay at the mid of the head, now slowly push
your awareness from mid of the head to top of the head in the similar manner as
advised above. As you reach the top of the head, you will feel some sensation
and just stay on to it with your focus, if no sensation then just focus on the
top of the head.
While doing these all external and internal disturbances
should be ignored and your concentration should only be on the top of the head
(Sahasrara). You may get thought and images, but just ignore them and bring
your focus to the top of the head.
Caution point here is when we try to bring the awareness to
the top of the head our eyeballs will sometime rolls up, if this happens do not
roll up your eyes for long time, so rather use it as a tool to fix the point at
the top of the head for couple of seconds and then relax your eyes to bring
them to normal position, but your awareness should be at the top of the head.
This way the thoughts will reduce slowly, and we get into
trance with repeated practice.
The objective of meditation is to control modifications of
the mind, once this is achieved our emotions and thoughts are in our control (takes
years of practice to achieve this)
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Mindful awareness meditation
Mindful awareness meditation
This system emphasizes on the mindful awareness on the object of concentration. This object can be anything from an image of God, object, void or even the form of the Guru.
The method is simple to understand yet the practice is nuanced as the practitioner subtly directs his awareness to the said object or void
One can practice this meditation as follows (this is one of the versions of the above technique)
Sit in a comfortable position and make sure you sit straight but comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your pineal gland (mid of the head). While focusing on this point visualize the void and just be an observer of this blankness
You may see images, memories popping up or get distracted with thoughts, at this stage slowly discard these thoughts and images and go back and observe the void
Gradually these thoughts and images will reduce and will no longer appear. The thoughts will reduce minute by minute and after some time there will not be any thoughts
It is at this stage that absorption (mind dissolving) will take place and we go into the state of trance. Eventually the reality is supposed to shine with regular practice
The same process can be followed at the heart center (Sternum) or top of the head to get the same effect
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