Monday, June 13, 2022

Actions and Gratitude – A Spiritual perspective

 Actions and Gratitude – A Spiritual perspective

This word is often used everywhere, that we should have gratitude towards our parents, friends, our partner, colleagues and others who have played some role in our life which has led to some positivity. But doing this in-reality is altogether a different question that needs lots of introspection.

We have become a creature of greed and selfishness who think of our own comfort disregarding the harm it may cause to others and there by have created a vicious cycle of self-centered actions across everywhere.

Let us understand the implication of such actions from spiritual perspective.

Willful action that is performed by us with an ego that I’m doing these actions, or the result is because of me. Creates an impression in the sub conscious mind, if repeated regularly these impressions will form into Karma (an impression which will manifest itself in the future and the person should undergo the effect of the same without escape).

Hence such actions eventually will come out of the subconscious mind to conscious mind at the right time to make sure the person experiences the effects his actions.

Now when a person does the same action without the sense of doer ship or submitting all actions to the to something bigger than himself or just do it with a no ego attached. Then impressions will not get created in the mind. To do this is very difficult and needs lots of practice

So a simpler solution to this is to have a sense of gratitude towards everything in life, if anyone does anything good to you, be thankful, if you had food today be thankful etc, this thankful feeling should be real and not faked, if it faked this gets recorded as an impression again in our mind, as everything that is repeated will get recorded as an impression in our subconscious mind and thereby eventually we need to bear the consequences of the same.

Right action and Gratitude help in purifying the mind of such bad habits is the simple gist of this article

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