Saturday, January 26, 2013

Atharvana Bhadrakali Maha Mantra for money, wealth, protection, knowledge, to block negativity and black magic

The below mantra is brilliant because it can used for any purpose, If you want negativity or black magic to be blocked, any money related issues, fear of imprisonment, financial difficulty, acquiring knowledge, growing spiritually this is it. Very powerful

Atharvana Bhadrakali Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Atharvana Bhadrakali maha mantrasya, Pratyangira Rsih, Anustup
chandah, Sree Atharvana Bhadrakali devata,
Ksham Bijam, Hum Shakthihi Phat Kilakam
shri Atharvana Bhadrakali prasaada siddhyarthe jape viniyogah


Kshaam Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
Kshiim Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Kshuum Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Kshaiim Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Kshaum Kanishthikabhyaam Namah - Netratrayaya Voshat
Kshah Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat

Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha

Just pray to the God to solve all your problems and give you all that you want.
Avyaatvam Cha mukhee cha Simha vadana damstree vihanti muhuh. Jihvaagrena divaakarendu bhuje netratrayodbhaasithe. Shyaama vihanti bhaahu ruga vadanaa jaagradbhi rugraayudhyaih. Krityaam kritanti keertaniya charithaa Pratyangiraa nityashah
Hreem Ksham Bhaksha Jwaala Jivhvaa Karaala Damstre Pratyangire Ksham Hreem Hum Phat

1 lakh 25 thousand (125000) + 12500
Very very powerful mantra for money, wealth, protection, knowledge, to block negativity and black magic
Please take caution in reciting this mantra as powerful mantras are not for weak minded people

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Aghora Astra Mantra for Planetary Affliction, Black Magic and Spiritual Progress

In the normal course of life especially in India there are always a situation where evil eye of bad people fall on others. This in-fact is a problem that is faced through out the world.

Again there are situations where people are jealous of your grow and prosperity or they do not want anyone other than them to flourish in life. These people always send out negative thought vibrations around them. These negative vibrations are very dangerous for the people who constantly interact with them.

Again there are situations where people perform black magic on other out of spite, jealously, hatred and so on. All these have subtle effect on the human mind and tampers their confidence, clear thinking etc.

Hence the below mantra is brilliant for combating such nuisance. It highly beneficial for those who wants these negativity to be removed from them and needs protection from these. It is also useful to destroy black magic and Planetary afflictions.

This mantra is ideal for spiritual progress, when this mantra is used for spiritual liberation visualize the lord in white colour.

This mantra is related to lord Shiva (aka Aghora)

Aghorastra Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Aghorastra mantrasya Aghora Rsih, Tristup
chandah, AghoraRudra devata,
Hum bijam, Hrim shakthihi
mamAbhIstasiddhaye, sarvopadrava shamanarthe jape viniyogah


Hrim Sphura Sphura Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
Prasphura Prasphura Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Ghora Ghora Thara Tanurupa Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Chata Chata Prachata Prachata Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Kaha Kaha Vama Vama Kanishthikabhyaam Namah - Netratrayaya Voshat
Bhandha Bahandha Ghathaya Ghathaya Hum Phat Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat

Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha

He is dark like the heavily laden rain clouds. He has three eyes and terrific fangs. His raiment is red, so also is the ungent on his body. He has battle axe, a damaru, a shield, a bow, an arrow, a trident and a human skull Serpants circle round him
Hrim Sphura Sphura Prasphura Prasphura Ghora Ghora Thara Tanurupa Chata Chata Prachata Prachata Kaha Kaha Vama Vama Bhandha Bhandha Ghathaya Ghathaya Hum Phat

Chant 100000+10000+1000. Useful in removing Black magic, fevers and very useful for planetary afflictions

For abhicara and in case of bad planets he shall be black in colour 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ganga Mantra for Absolving Sin's

The below that is given here is very useful in absolving sins's of a person and also to lead a happy life, whatever we  undergo in this life is due to the influence of our past Karma and when we suffer from some problems it is due to the bad karma that we had performed in the past. So one of the best way to remove sin's from the body is either by performing Sri Cakra puja, chanting Gayatri mantra or the below said mantra. There are also others but in terms of effectiveness these are the best.

This mantra can be chanted on regular basis, preferably 1000 a day up-to 100000 and then minimum of 108 after that. But chanting 1000 or more a day has higher effect.

Ganga Devi Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Ganga mantrasya Vyasa Rsih, Krti
chandah, Ganga devatA,
mamAbhIstasiddhaye, sarvopadrava shamanarthe jape viniyogah


Om Hili Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
Hili Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Mili Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Mili Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Gange Devi Kanishthikabhyaam Namah - Netratrayaya Voshat
Namah Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat
Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha


She is extremely beautiful with many blossoming spotless white lotuses;
She is identified with Krsna, Isa and Vindaya (Associated with them),
She holds Vara and Lotus in the right hands and water pot and Abhaya in the left,
She is clad with white garments; She is delighted in her face, She has the moon as crest jewel;
She is served by all rivers and Nadas like Sona, she is the destroyer of sins and she has crocodile as her vehicle 

Mula Mantra:

OM hilI hilI milI milI gaMgE dEvi namaH

ಓಂ ಹಿಲೀ ಹಿಲೀ ಮಿಲೀ ಮಿಲೀ ಗಂಗೇ ದೇವಿ ನಮಃ

ओं हिली हिली मिली मिली गंगे देवि नम:


Chant 100,000 times for attaining perfection chant additional 10000+1000+100 times for homa and tarpanas etc.

Once after attaining perfection chant 10,000 at the bank of river Ganga to absolve all sins or just keep chanting. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chinnamasta Sadhana for Spiritual Progress and Defeating Enemies

Please note the below sadhana is very powerful and there are chances of facing some minor problems once this sadhana is started

The person who practice this should not get scared and must have unconditional devotion

Chinnamasta Maha mantra


Aum asya shri Chinnamasta mantrasya Bhairava Rsih, SamrAt
chandah, ChinnamastA-bhuvaneshvarI devatA, (hUm hUm bIjam, svAhA
shaktih) mamAbhIstasiddhaye jape viniyogah


BhairavAya rsaye namah -- shirasi;
SamrAt chandase namah Mukhe;
ChinnamastA devatAyai namah -- hrdi;
hUm hUm bIjaya namah -- guhye;
SvAhA shaktaye namah pAdayoh.
Bhur bhuva suvarom iti dik bandhaha


Aum Am KhadgAya hrIm hrIm phat hrdayAya svAha-Kanisthayoh.
Aum Im  sukhadgAya hrIm hrIm phat Shirase svAhA-AnAmikayoh.
Aum Um  VajrAya hrIm hrIm phat ShikAyai svAhA -- Madhyamayoh.
Aum aim  PAshAya hrIm hrIm phat KavacAya svAhA -- Tarjanyoh.
Aum aum  AmkushAya hrIm hrIm phat Netra-trayAya svAhA Angusthayoh.
Aum ah  Vasuraksa hrIm hrIm phat astrAya phat -- Karatalakara-prsthayoh.


I meditate upon the Goddess ChinnamastA who is seated in the center of the sun's disc and holds in her left hand her own severed head with gaping mouth, her hairs are disshevelled and
she is drinking the stream of blood gushing out from her own neck. She is seated on Rati and KAmadeva, who are engrossed in sexual dalliance, and she is rejoicing with her friends named DAkinI and VarninI.

Mula Mantra

Aum shrIm hrIm hrIm vajravairocanIye hrIm hrIm phat  svAhA.

Note: This mantra is locked by Lord Siva, so to unlock it chant “Aum HrIm Aum” before and after the recitation of the the mula mantra 108 times.
For Siddhi chant this mantra for 4 Lakhs or 400 thousand times plus 40 thousand times in the form of fire sacrifice using Bilva or Palasa flower and fruit.
If fire sacrifice is not possible just chant additional 40 thousand times

Useful in defeating enemies, controlling people, in terms of spiritual progress helps in mastery of attachment over pleasures.

Please take caution in reciting this mantra as powerful mantras are not for weak minded people

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra for removing all problems in life

I'm now presenting you all, one of the best sadhana's that can overcome any problems in life.

This sadhana(practice) helps in removing negativity and calamities and also promotes general happiness.

Lord Narasimha swamy is one of the fiercest gods that there is and he is best when it comes to protecting his devotees. Hence this sadhana is very useful as a protective shield all that is problematic in life.

So chant the below mantra a minimum of 1000 times a day and you can see the effects in 3 months. It is important that you do not break the process as the effectiveness reduces with breaks in the sadhana.

Preferable have vegetarian food otherwise chant the below mantra in the morning after bath and before having food. The reason to avoid meat is simple as meat tends to dull the body. But for mantra sadhana mind and body needs to be active with sattvic (good) thoughts.

The process is as follows (If you are uncomfortable with the process given below just visualize the Dhyana first and start chanting the mantra given below)

There are 2 mantras given below use anyone. By experience the second one in the brackets has worked for me.

 Lakshmi Narasimha Maha Mantra Sadhana

Asya Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Maha Mantrasya
Brahman Rishi, Pankthi  Chanda , Narasimha Devata
Mama Abista siddyarte jape viniyogah

(Here you are stating the creator for this mantra with other details and why this japa is taken up)

Aam Angustaabhyaam Namah                                                Hridayaaya Namah
Hrim Tarjanibhyaam Namah                                                    Shriase Svaha
Kshraum Madhyamaabhyaam Namah                                    ShikhayeVashat
Krom Anamikaabhyaam Namah                                             Kavachaya Hoom
Hum Kanishthikabhyaam Namah                                           Netratrayaya Voshat
Phat Karatal-karprashtaabhyaam Namah                                Astraayaya Phat
Bhur Bhuvasuvarom Iti Dikbandhaha

I invoke lord Nrsimha who has very strong and fiery teeth, His tongue is taking round due to to annoy, He has opened his face, He has 3 eyes i.e. Soma, Surya and Fire. From leg to navel he is red and upwards he is white. He has opened the body of the of Raksasa He has wheel, conch, Pasha Ankusha, Kulisha and Gada weapons. He is decorated by various gems

Om Aam Hrim Kshraum Krom Hum Phat (other source has it as “Om Hrim Kshraum Krom Hum Phat”)

OM aaM hrIM kShrauM kroM hUM phaT

ಓಂ ಆಂ ಹ್ರೀಂ ಕ್ಷ್ರೌಂ ಕ್ರೊಂ ಹೂಂ ಫಟ್

ओं आं ह्रीं क्ष्रौं क्रॊं हूं फट्

600,000 Japas, and 6000 Ahutis to fire sacrifice and just chat extra 6000 mantra.
Most potent mantra when a person is facing calamities and fierce problem. This gives everything to the sadhak. It even cure Graha pida (bed planetary influences) and wards off Black magic effective. Gaining huge wealth, longevity etc. 
