Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Positive Thinking for Overcoming Grief

What is positive thinking?

This question has many answers and we can discuss about the same days together.

Simple way of looking at positive thinking is "Identifying opportunity at the time of Despair, which other people fail to see"

Why this is required?

To answer the above question I can give you an example. Suppose one suffers from a Chronic life threatening illness say Cancer, the person now has two options to lead his life. First one being he can curse about his life as to why it turned like this? Why should he suffer when others are happy and become cynical about life.

What good can we find in this approach towards? None!

Neither the person is happy nor the people around him are happy. Also this type of  outlook always invites more problems in life as negative thinking invites negative experiences.

I'm not saying that it is wrong to grieve. But we should accept what is happening to us, only then we can move forward in this life both on physical and spiritual plane.

Our life is so well designed that we have very little control over major events in life (lie marriage, birth, death etc) as law of Karma decides upon these factors and we have taken this birth just to settle the Karmic account, once Karmic account is settled we realize God and liberation can take place.

But the negative approach towards life always makes us to accrue more undesirable actions which leads to accruing more Karma. This will lead to Rebirth and more suffering.

On the other hand if we look at this in a positive way.We will realize that death is part of life and its natural and we cannot control death as Karma is responsible for deciding these things. So if one realizes birth or death is not in our hands, our mind is released from the agony of this impending event.

Once we realize this we are no long bothered and in fact we can think how best we can lead our remaining life. So that the person and people around him/her are happy.

We look at life in a new dimension and see how we can contribute positively.

The above points are my understanding of positive thinking and what I have heard from learned people. This may not convince everyone, but wanted to share my thoughts as this may be useful.

Happy New Year 2015

I would like to wish all happy 2015. May this year shower divine grace on all for happy and prosperous year ahead

Worship Grama Devata (Deity of the locality that you stay and also deity of locality that your ancestors were actually from)

Grama Devata (village deity/guardian deity/Tutelary deity or  Patron deity) are responsible for protecting the family who stay in a particular locality. 

Usually these deities are responsible for safeguarding its devotees from unforeseen problems in life.

Offering respect to the deity here is very important and going to its temples are important at the beginning. 

Later mental contemplation of the deity is sufficient.

Many of these deities acts as a protective energy from Black Magic and other problems

Monday, September 8, 2014

Temporary Hiatus

I'm on a temporary hiatus, as I'm introspecting myself. So future postings will be done, when I feel like posting.

Apologies for this 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Importance of Praying to Family Deity

This is the on of the three articles that I will write about importance of praying to Family deity, Grama devata (deity of the area that you reside at) and Ancestors (Pitru's)

This article deals about family deity.

It is always important that we pray to our family deity as this is the deity that will look after us at the times of trouble.

Family deities are really important as they usually guard us from unforeseeable problems and also protects us from severe karmic debts.

If a person is born under the family where the deity is Shiva, it means that the natural protector of that family is Lord Shiva and praying to Lord Shiva will help them to get over the problems of day today life

It is important to understand that Family deity are the first source for protection for us, it protects us from many problems be it physical or psychics. It safe guards people from negative energies.

It is easy to please our family deity than any other deities. As we are born in that clan/family of the deity.

Usually families have 2 family deities one male and other female. It is important we pray to both the deities, but if you want to take up any sadhana/anustana etc, it is much quicker to female deity of the family.

Annual fire sacrifices (homam) to our family deity will help the family in ensuring the grace and protection of the deity.

It is always good to take the name of our family deity before we do any activity, this if done with belief and trust on the deity will always ensure grace of the Deity

Any spiritual progress will depend on the grace of the family deity, if the person does not have the grace of the deity he cannot progress spiritually.

That's the reason why our family members insist us to pray to our family deity.

It is interesting to note that when Black magic is performed on a person firstly the tantrics ties the family deity and only then they go ahead with abhichara (black magic)

But if proper prayers are offered to the family deity from the beginning, the deity will protect us even from these issues or will guide us to overcome the problems

Chanting of family deities name is the best practice that one can adopt as this will ensure grace of the God and assures both material and spiritual growth.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Late Marriage due to Kuja/manglik or Brahma Hatya dosha's in the horoscope

Perform Arkha Vivaaha  or Kumbha Vivaaha (for Girl)

Kadali vivaah for men

Conditions for performing Arkha Vivaaha or Kumbha Vivaaha (for Women) are as below:

1: If a manglik (kuja doshi) person wants to marry non manglik (non kuja doshi) - ideally any manglik person an perform this puja
2: If two marriages are indicated in horoscope (7th lord is weak and 11th occupied by Venus or many grahas.)
3: If death of husband/wife is seen in the horoscope leading to second marriage (should be judged by looking into the horoscope - usually we have to see the 8th house of the see whether the house or lord of the house is afflicted in a womens horoscope)

Perform the below mentioned puja if there is lot of delay in marriage or if there is too many doshas in the horoscope affecting marriage. Very useful in resolving Brahma Hatya Dosha and other types of marraige doshas

Process to be followed is as follows

1: Go to Rameshwaram (A place in South India - this puja can be performed only at this place)
2: In the Rameshwaram main temple take bath and go to temple. There take bath in the 22 wells of the temple.
3: Perform EkadashaVara Rudrabisheka in the temple
4: Perform 14 Go Dhana(cow dhana)
5: Come to the beach, catch hold of good priest and perform Dharnur Bhana Puja, then prepare a Shiva Linga out of the beach sand and do puja for the same and after puja, the linga should be immersed in the ocean
6: After this take 51 dips in the ocean chanting OM each time (51 chants of Om for 51 dips)
7: Feed 11 Brahmins

Again vist the temple and perform rudrabhisheka (optional)

Performing the above two shanti pryogas will resolve many problems relating to late marriage.  

See also below link - mantra for early marriage


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lalitha Trishati - A must for Sri Vidya Upasaka

Lalitha Trishati are the 300 names of the great Goddess Lalitha Tripurasundari. A Sri Vidya Upasaka should always learn this.

It grants what one needs and it never be chanted with evil intentions as it will have negative effect.

Below I have given the given the link for Lalitha Trishati with its Nyasa and Viniyog. This can be used for the purpose of meditation. The current file is in Kannada Text.

Lot of care has been taken in translating this in Kannada Text, mistakes if any is mine. Kindly notify me so that I can make changes.


Trishati in Hindi


Monday, March 10, 2014

Pratyangira Devi Mantra for Black magic and Enemy problems

Prayangira Devi Maha Mantra

Aum asya shri Prayangira Devi mantrasya Brahma Rsih, Anustup
chandah, Pratyangira devata,  om Bijam, Hrim shakthihi,
mamAbhIstasiddhaye, sarvopadrava shamanarthe jape viniyogah


Hram Angustaabhyaam Namah - Hridayaaya Namah
Hrim Tarjanibhyaam Namah - Shriase Svaha
Hroom Madhyamaabhyaam Namah - ShikhayeVashat
Hraim Anamikaabhyaam Namah - Kavachaya Hoom
Hraum Kanishthikabhyaam Namah - Netratrayaya Voshat
Hrah Karatal karprashtaabhyaam Namah - Astraayaya Phat

Bhur Bhuva suvarom Iti Dik Bandhaha


May the goddess Pratyangira destroy the magic spells employed by your enemies she is seated on the lion with a terrible form of dark complexion that instills fear in all the three worlds. Her mouths emits flames. She is clad in two fresh garments. Her splendor resembles the sapphire. She holds the sword in her right hand and the trident in the left. She is competent to protect her devotee.  

Mula Mantra:

Om Hrim Namah Krshnavaasase Shatasahasra Himsini sahasra Vadane Mahaa Bale Aparaajite Pratyangire Parasainya Parakarma Vidhvamsini Paramantrotsaadini Sarva Bhuutadamani Sarvadevan Bandha Bandha Sarva Vidyaashchindhi Chindhi Kshobhaya Kshobhaya Para Yantraani Sphotaya Sphotaya Sarva Srinkhalaas Trotaya Trotaya Jvala jjvalaa Jivhve Karaalavadane Pratyangire Hrim Namah


Chant 10000+1000+100 then chant 1000 times to remove black magic. Very powerful mantra to dispel enemy’s krtya (black magic). Very risky too. To be used only for good purposes.
Please take caution in reciting this mantra as powerful mantras are not for weak minded people

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rare Rama Mantra - for all that one needs

Om Namo Bhagavate Raghunandanaaya Rakshogna Vishadaaya Madhura Prasannavadanaayaa Amitathejase Balaaya Raamaya Vishnave Namah

OM namO bhagavatE raGunaMdanAya rakShOGna viSadAya madhura prasannavadanaayaa(a)mitatEjasE balAya rAmAya viShNavE namaH 

ಓಂ ನಮೋ ಭಗವತೇ ರಘುನಂದನಾಯ ರಕ್ಷೋಘ್ನ ವಿಶದಾಯ ಮಧುರ ಪ್ರಸನ್ನವದನಾಯಾ(ಅ)ಮಿತತೇಜಸೇ ಬಲಾಯ ರಾಮಾಯ ವಿಷ್ಣವೇ ನಮಃ 

ओं नमो भगवते रघुनंदनाय रक्षोघ्न विशदाय मधुर प्रसन्नवदनाया(अ)मिततेजसे बलाय रामाय विष्णवे नमः 

The above mantra is one of rare one and according to texts this mantra has the power to grant 4 purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha)

It is said that great sages of ancient lore have used this mantra for attaining spiritual bliss and this mantra is said to confer child for childless couples.

It endows the person with knowledge, wealth, righteousness and a sense of detachment from unnecessary worldly ties

It is also said that this mantra should be taken from a guru and success can be achieved only through initiation.

In the present world getting an accomplished Guru is very difficult. So what I suggest is that write down the mantra a sheet of copper (used for yantra) or on paper and place it next to the picture or idol f Lord Shri Rama. Perform suitable prayer to this mantra and idol by offering Incense, Camphor and offer food to the God.

Later visualize that you are getting initiated to this mantra from the Lord Shri Rama itself, by this way you are considering the Lord to be your Guru.

Start chanting this mantra daily for 1000 times without breaks in-between.

Please note that lord Rama is a Great god who upholds Dharma, So as you progress with this sadhana you will put into situations where you will have moral dilemma on doing what is right. Please be true to yourself and be righteous as this will be test of your devotion to the lord.

Ideally Rama mantras needs to be chanted 1 million times to reap its full benefit but you can start seeing changes once you complete 15000 chants of the above mantra.

I wish all the very best to those who will take this sadhana up.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sri Vidya Ganeshwari Mantra for Success, Prosperity and spiritual progress

Om Srim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ka E I La Hrim Ganapataye Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hrim Varavaradha Sa Ka La Hrim Sarvajanam Me Vashamaanaya Swaha
One of the most powerful mantra that provides material and spiritual benefits.
The above mantra is a combination panchadashi and Maha Ganapathy.
Panchadashi burns the sins and karma of the chanter and Mahaganapathy mantra provides success and removes all types of obstacles.
The above mantra is truly power as you can experience changes within one month of beginning of the chanting.
It is ideal to chant 444 times a day.
The mantra can be used for various reasons but this mantra very helpful in giving 4 arthas. 
Some people say that this only for material benefits.  Which is true but the addition panchadashi to the makes it highly powerful tool for spiritual growth.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Maha Ganapati Mantra for Removing Problems

Mantra below:
Om Srim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye Varavaradha Sarvajanam me  Vashamaanaya Swaha

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं गं गणपतये वरवरद सर्वजनं मे वशमानय स्वहा 

Best to chant the above mantra 1000 times a day.
One more best way to use this mantra is to sprinkle some water on Ganapati idol in the form of tarpanam.
That is chant above mantra and add the word "Tarpayami Namaha" at the end of mantra and sprinkle some water on the idol.
This can be done 444 times each day. If not possible do it at least 100 times daily. You can experience changes in 3 months of starting this sadhana.
For each Tarpayami Namaha sprinkle some water on the idol.
Before starting this process visualise the Lord Ganapati is entering the idol (meaning energy is entering into the idol).
Then after completion visualise that the energy is returning back into your body.
Collect the water that is sprinkled and drink some of it and use the remaining for bathing purpose next day. You can also distribute this water to your family.
This mantra is very useful to remove problems, problems related to muladhara chakra, gives material prosperity and health and security.
