Wednesday, February 10, 2016

About Self Realization

Our practice towards self realization is a path with many questions and confusions. Firstly when we are sure that the divinity is within us and we are supposed to find that divinity in us.

Then what is stopping us from realizing the self?

This is the fundamental question will come up in our mind, before coming to this point first let us try to understand what is meant by self realization?

With my limited knowledge what I can infer is that, it is the purest form of awareness that one can experience.

Now what is this purest form of awareness, let us break this down, first awareness in general sense is the situation where a person perceives an external object and identifies the object to himself. meaning if I see an apple, I become conscious of the presence of apple in front of me.

This awareness to subjective and impure as whatever we perceive happens only in our mind. This awareness is out of collecting information from different sources, processing the same in our mind and finally perceive the object. The quality of our perception limited to the quality of input. If the input is faulty then our perception and awareness also becomes faulty.

Knowledge plays an important role at this time, in dark we can be misled that a rope is a snake, but when light appears our ignorance is washed away by seeing the rope. Similarly once we understand that our perception/awareness of the external world is always limited and it our mind which creates these imprints/awareness, we can understand that our awareness is impure.

Now is what is pure awareness, this is the opposite of the previous.

When we perceive something that is never changing, which is absolute and beyond any reproach, then it becomes pure.

Further we need to understand what is this pure consciousness/awareness and how to experience such awareness.

Pure awareness is a state where one has no thoughts (since thoughts create false/incomplete awareness), when there is no thought then he just becomes a silent observer of what is happening to him internally. Meaning when there no thought there is existence but this existence is free from any afflictions. So ideally in this state we should experience a type of awareness which beyond anything. How this experience will be for a person cannot be explained as I do not know how it would be to feel sure consciousness.

So experience such awareness is Self realization (according to my understanding).

Next step is to find out a way to achieve this awareness. This is possible by meditation. Meditation is a process of exploring ourselves internally.

Ideally we should start with focusing our attention to on single point within our body, best point of focus is Ajna chakra (as per my Guruji) as this is connected to Pineal Gland and Pituitary Gland, which triggers trans easily (Let bother about trans later).

When we focus our attention and concentration on a single point within our body, slowly over a period of time we start exploring that space, various thoughts keep popping up in our mind but we should trying ignore those thoughts and concentrate on that point. To avoid thoughts we should practice Nadi Shodhana Pranayama. Perfection in this breathing technique should stop thoughts during meditation.

to be continnued

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