Thursday, February 22, 2018

General guidelines to select auspicious time for starting something new

General guidelines to select auspicious time for starting something new

Below are some general guidelines which will help anyone to select an auspicious time for starting of something new. The below guidelines can be followed by anyone who have minimum to no knowledge in astrology. Just that they have to download a Drik Panchanga app into their mobile.
The guidelines are as below:
  1. Generally morning time is more auspicious than evening for selecting a time.
  2. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good for starting something and Sunday is mediocre
  3. Birth day of the respective person is always beneficial, suppose one was born on Saturday for that person Saturday is usually beneficial
  4. The moon progressing towards Full moon (sukla paksha) is auspicious than the moon progressing towards New moon (Krishna paksha)
  5. Moon in phases (tithi) 2,3,5,7,10,13 are beneficial and 4,9,12 are mediocre
  6. Days with yoga Vishakumbha, Preeti, Aayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhana, Sukarma, Dhriti, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Harshana, Vajra, Siddhi, Variyaana, Shiva, Siddha, Saaddhya, Shubha, Shukla, Brahma and Indra are good.
  7. Days with karana Shakuni, Naga (for pooja’s),Bava, Balava, Gara and Vanija are good
  8. Commencing anything with these combination is bad Sunday – Bharani, Monday – Chitra, Tuesday – Uttarashadha, Wednesday – Dhanishtha, Thursday – Uttaraphalguni, Friday – Jyeshtha, Saturday – Revati
  9. For works like digging a well, or lying a foundation, underground tanks,tunnels,drilling,mining and spiritual activities below are good
  1. Sowing seeds,visiting of friends,manufacturing,vehicle,boats,cars etc below are good
  1. All activities with an upward sight are good and would succed in this nakshatra.  For ex: Space missions,launching of missiles,joining of jobs,club association,investments below are good
  1. Don’t start anything in Rahu kalam, try to avoid Gulika, Yamagandha and Ardha prahara. Primarily Rahu kalam should be avoided.
So based on the above on has to just find a right combination of Day, Thiti, nakshatra, Yoga and Karana, with avoiding Rahu kalam. Of the 5 aspects if all are good then it’s a good day, 4 aspects is also ok, 3 is mediocre.
A person has to just see the respective names in the app, which will list out what is the yoga, karna etc for each day to get an idea about the day. Arrita kalam (1-1.5 hrs prior to sun rise) and Goduli kalam at the time of sun set are also good.
This is just a brief idea as there are many exceptions and conditions (like negative planets from eigth of birth zodiac should be avoided etc). But this would give us a broad idea.
Always remember one thing that beyond all these rules in one’s conscience is clear and says that now is the good time, then that will be good for that person. When the mind is free of impurities it’s a good time.

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