Friday, February 23, 2018

Sade Sati – A brief analysis

Sade Sati – A brief analysis

Sade Sati or 7.5 years of Sani period is a common phenomenon that each and every one of us should undergo in our life. There are lots of misconceptions that are prevailing currently in peoples mind about this. This article will try to remove some these misconceptions and also briefly explain what it is.

Below are some of the key points about Sade sati

  • This happens to a person three times in his/hers lifetime
  • The first and third time are usually considered inauspicious and second time is usually beneficial depending on individuals horoscope
  • It takes 30 years for Saturn to complete one cycle around the zodiac and hence it is said that a person can experience sade sati three times during his life time
  • Sade sati is more troublesome if the individual has periods of Sun, Moon or Mars going on in his life, others are ok
  • When Sade sati enters a person’s life for the first time it will usually be when he is a child or a teenager (13-19). At this stage the mind of the boy/girl would not be matured hence when faced with problems it gives rise to confusions. With confusions they tend to take wrong decisions and thereby face problems. Usually in the first time of this period Confusions, cheating and losing friends and other emotional issues are seen. Problems are more related to emotions.
  • In the first cycle we should mostly be focused on child development during that age by building disciple, imparting values and make them more grounded by advising with love and sternness whenever required. This will prepare the child to face Sade sati better. Meditation on mantra would be the best option.   
  • During the second time it usually comes at the middle age of a person, it is more beneficial as we can see that, it is at that this age that a person is emotionally matured to considerable extent understands life in general, he has gone through hardships and would have experienced many things which would have made him a seasoned person. So at this stage Sani presents him with challenges which when successfully overcome would result in rewards (it teaches patience). In this period we can usually see people settling down in life and getting a sense of maturity. If people lack this Sani will teach it (then it might be troublesome for few). But usually it is good subject to his horoscope.
  • In the second cycle meditation with/without mantra and on Ajna Chakra is more useful as meditation in this chakra gives clarity and when faced with complex life situations the intellect would see the problems more clearly and deal accordingly. Also acquiring spiritual knowledge by reading Bhagvat gita, upanishads, vivekachudamani, panchadasi etc is useful as it will prepare one for third cycle of Sani.
  • During the third time Sade sati is more cruel as it gives raise to health issue and usually marked with death for the person as this comes after 60 years of age (depending on horoscope we need to judge this). So at this age Spiritual practices are very conducive as the mortality of the body is realized by most of the people due to old age and health issues, so what is after death would be their problem. So spiritual practices will help them at this stage (meditation on Heart chakra or one feet above head or void meditation is very useful) and if he has already acquired spiritual knowledge detachment would become easy. With this worry of impending health issues or mortality will be removed.
  • So we need to be careful in the analysis as Sade sati may not have any serious or no effect if the person’s horoscope is very good.
  • If the mind of the person is very strong then effect of Sade sati is not much effective for those people
  • For a detached person sade sati does not matter as he is beyond the worries of the body and mind.
These are some general guidelines of sade sati. We must always remember that meditation is always good and has life changing effect for people. No planets can enforce any effect if the person has mastered his mind and leads a moral life. Whatever he experiences would not have any effect on him as he would not bother about it and move on with his life.

Additional inputs are welcome

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