Thursday, March 15, 2018

How do we know the self within is in the form of Bliss?

How do we know the self within is in the form of Bliss?

To answer this question let us understand, what we do when we are happy? Suppose take an example that I’m talking with my friend and he is being very cordial and helpful, at this stage we feel happy that we have a friend and so how do we react to this now? We try to hold on to this person as he is source of our happiness and if the other person is unpleasant then we discard relationship with that person as he is not the source of happiness (this is dualistic way of analysis for now to make us understand what we do when we are happy).

Here it is very evident that by nature we love objects that bring us happiness and discard which does not. It is very important to understand this point that we love objects that bring us happiness. This statement gives us the clue as to why the Self within is in the form of Bliss. So let us understand from the perspective of the object of happiness with regards to soul within the body. Mind always desires for living for thousands of years and says I may never die, we know that the soul is the cause of the mind and when it says that I may never die, it means that it experiences happiness from the Soul and that’s why it wants it to be permanent. Meaning the soul is the object of happiness for the mind and that is the reason it tries to hold on to it as is its natural tendency.
In this way we can clearly understand that the Self/soul within is in the form of Bliss as if it was not in the form of Bliss the mind shun the soul leading to disintegration of itself (mind)

Why is the Bliss of the Self the highest form of happiness?

This is because when a person feels happy the mind turns inwards to the soul, we know that Soul is in the form of Bliss from our earlier point and hence when the mind experiences the happiness its thought process reduces and experiences the bliss within for a moment. Hence it is clear that the happiness experienced by the mind is from within and not from the outside world. Hence the bliss of the Self is the highest form of happiness as we experience only the bliss of the Self within when we feel happy in this material world, other way of looking at this is that happiness obtained from objects are always impermanent as it will always (objects are not permanent) go away and the bliss of Self is ever existent so it would make the most superior form of happiness.

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