Wednesday, March 28, 2018

When God Started a Game

When God Started a Game

God who is absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss one day felt bored and started playing a game. He started using his inherent energy and created the universe around. Since he was absolute existence the appearing universe was just his appearance/projection. Now the he started the game by creating beings that are perfect with perfect control over the mind and firm knowledge of the self. These beings immediately understood the nature of the true Self and went into Samadhi and got liberated. So God decided that that creating perfect beings was not entertaining enough as the beings realized that they are the same God as the apparent world was just a projection/appearance of the Self within.

Now to makes things little interesting God created a world with ignorance induced in the minds of the beings, this ignorance led to the false Identification by the beings (who are nothing but God as the existence of God is absolute and there is nothing other than God) that they are different from God. It is funny to see that God got so much engrossed in the game that he forgot he is absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss.

It is here that the drama of Samsara started where he placed himself as many and interacted with each other. To make it manageable he set rules on himself by the way of Karma. So he decided the actions that he performs and he decided what would be outcome based on his own law. This was so perfect that he got stuck into this whirlpool of samsara (births and deaths) by his own laws by forgetting who he is in true sense which is absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss.
The he decided that he is tired of the troubles of this illusionary appearance (which is now real for him as he has forgotten his true nature) due to the rules which are self-created and self-imposed on oneself. He struggled and then started the process of understand what is everything and more importantly who he is in reality. This lead to the understanding that he is not the mind and body, understood its limitations and when he looked to his inner most core he realized that he is absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss.

The game he created for fun with ignorance induced in the mind and rules of engagement within the projected world led the God to identify himself with his projection rather than his absolute nature. By this was he God stuck in samsara and when he was fed up he got out by realizing his true nature.
Hence this way we can say that the apparent world which we live in is nothing but his play, he is inducer of thoughts and actions and he is the judge who awards effects for these thoughts and actions. As he is the absolute existence this apparent world is none other than himself and all actions and effects are his play. Only when we realize this we realize our true nature which is the nature of the true self and ignore (not be bothered by the happenings) the world as now we know we are the absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss.

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