Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Why I cry for God

Why I cry for God

This is a strange situation that people here cry for everything in the world, we cry that we are not rich; we cry that we do not own a house or have a high paying job or that our family life is not good etc.

It has become such a situation that we are now crying for everything for small or big things. We are ready to struggle for money, prestige, health, property etc; we know in the heart that this is not the ultimate solution to life problems, meaning when we have A, we want B, when we have B then we want C. Thins keeps going on until we realize that we want everything which is impossible to achieve. Then we start crying that I did not get this or that.

The fundamental problem with this is that we are behind something which we assume it to be the source of our happiness. But in reality they are not. We can see so many people who say if I have X money with me I’m happy and once they get it, they are not happy or maybe happy for a brief time and again they want something else for their happiness. This is a never ending cycle and we are caught in it. So what does this got to do with our title would be the question? The answer is that it has everything to do with the title. We are now in a situation where we are agonizing our-self due to desire and have not understood what the source is for our happiness. Moreover why are we crying about the never ending cycle of desire is the question which is need of the hour to be addressed. The same issue can be looked by three different ways i.e: from the view point theist, atheist and agnostic.

Let us try to understand how these three people look at the above problem and try to see what we can learn from them

Theist – A theist is a person who believes in the existence of a GOD looks at everything as God or his creation. Based on his mental modification he will either view the entire world around as Gods creation and we are here to live within this creation in a manner that befits his expectation. This is more of a dualistic view of the world where we see God and our-self as two different beings and one tries to please the other. Even in this situation what he will try to do is that, he will try to lead a life which is moral in nature as he believes that there is a God and he will punish me if I do anything wrong, otherwise genuinely he feels blessed to be born and spends his life in service others as he yearns to see the God, as he knows that whatever is created by God is also subject destruction by the same God. He will not see any point in worrying about any worldly desires as he by heart will know that God will take care if he follows his Swadharma (one’s own righteousness).

From an Advantic point of view a Theist will see everything as God and he does not separate himself from the world around himself. Hence there is no point of hatred here and he automatically starts loving everyone and derives pleasure by serving others.

But the problem arises when a theist aware of the God and his creations succumbs to mental impurities like desires, anger etc. He though aware of the fact becomes attached to worldly things and with attachment, rises suffering as he is trying to hold on to something which is not permanent and is not the permanent source of joy. Instead of holding on to God who is the source of everything he is holding on to his projection which is ever changing, anything which changes cannot be permanent source of our happiness, as once the object or temperament changes the same object that which was the source of pleasure will become a source of pain and moreover both mind and the observed are objects to our Self, As we are the witness of mind/body and not mind/body. So when with an impure mind a theist slowly forgets about the God and cries for the worldly things. If he really did cry for God, meaning to see him or understand him, there would not be any suffering, meaning anything that comes in his way would be seen as Gods play or he may be indifferent to the surrounding as he feels that the apparent suffering is just an illusion where there is no point in worrying about it or he experiences compassion towards others and serves them as he sees God in everyone. But the point is that he will be out of this suffering as he will no longer bother about the problems of the mind and body as he will always stay with God (no mind state with the realization of the self)     


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