Saturday, April 14, 2018

Goddess Tripura Sundari – Saguna Brahman

Goddess Tripura Sundari – Saguna Brahman

God without any attributes is called as Nirguna Brahman, this God is beyond anything that can be imagined by the mind, whatever the mind is able to imagine or build a model to it, is always finite and not complete in nature, hence how can a mind with its own limitation can theorize about God, who is absolute and without any limitations. All these words that is being typed here is to try to comprehend something infinite, this statement by itself is oxymoron and is not possible. If a mind is able to give a form or build a model to this universe then it is not God (not complete) but only a limitation of our mind which is trying to make sense of God or universe. Nirguna Brahman is absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss, which is beyond mind, intellect or any names and forms.

Then what is this universe that we see here, in Vedanta this is explained as Maya or in Trika philosophy this is nothing but Independent energy of Brahman (Shiva) which has manifested as universe and then Nara (man). So man has to understand Shakthi first, so that she will show the path towards Shiva. That’s why in Trika philosophy more importance is given to Shakthi as it is only her who lifts the veil of maya to show the ultimate truth.

In Vedanta the creation is explained in three parts, when Maya covers Brahman it is called Ishwara (God with attributes), the same Brahman covered by Avidya (ignorance) is Jiva (individual souls, man/women etc) and finally Brahman with Guna’s (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) forms Prakriti (universe). So when one observes the above it is the same Brahman which has transformed into Ishwara, Jiva and Prakriti.

Hence the entire universe that we are in now is nothing but Saguna Brahman, meaning Nirguna Brahman with attributes.

In Sri Vidya tradition Saguna Brahman is nothing but Goddess Tripura Sundari, we see the entire universe as her manifestation and she is worshipped by the way of her Yantra, Mantra and Tantra. Sri Vidya is a complete system by itself and progresses the aspirant towards self-realization. The main benefit is that a Sri Vidya Sadaka gets both material and spiritual benefits. We know about famous Tirupati Temple and it is said that Adi Shanakaracharya installed Sri Chakra in that temple for its prosperity and we know now how much money now it gets on daily basis. That is the reason why Sri Chakra has become synonym with wealth and auspiciousness. What one fails to understand is that when one becomes a Sri Vidya upasaka his material needs are not only taken care but he will start progressing in his spiritual life. When the Avidya of a person is removed, he starts learning Sri Vidya (auspicious knowledge of the Divine mother).
An aspirant has to start with a mantra of divine mother and slowly proceed with breath control and finally meditation. Ultimately it is her who lifts the veil of maya to show us the ultimate truth.  

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